National Debt Clock

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today we are no longer a Constitutional America!

I have to submit the following definitions before I start today.
They come from a most reliable source.

2 entries found.
2.high treason
Main Entry: trea-son
Pronunciation: \ˈtrē-zən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tresoun, from Anglo-French traisun, from Latin tradition-, traditio act of handing over, from tradere to hand over, betray — more at traitor
Date: 13th century
1 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery 2 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family.

Main Entry: trai·tor
Pronunciation: \ˈtrā-tər\
Function: noun
Middle English traytour, from Anglo-French traitre, from Latin traditor, from tradere to hand over, deliver, betray, from trans-, tra- trans- + dare to give — more at date
Date: 13th century
1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 2 : one who commits treason
I submit the President and the his appointees have committed treason against the United States of America. President Barrack H. Obama has just supplanted the U.S. Constitution with an international agreement which says the international communities laws are the highest laws of this land. The President has violated his oath of office, and stepped beyond the power of his office. A call for Impeachment must be made. What say you? What say others? Ask and find out!
Transnational law is illegal with respect the highest law of the land, The United States Constitution!
The Congress has made laws which now interfere with the Free Market System. The only Jobs being created by the Obama White house are public sector positions and work program systemic jobs where your paycheck is derived from the government's money. The international Banks will now control trade supplanting all other trade agreements previously made by this nation without so much as a debate by the Congress. The fascist state is now installed by the Obama White House. All of this is treasonous. Do you think the mainstream media will act? Not yet! Has the U.S. Supreme Court acted?
Not yet! Has Congress reacted? Not yet! The government and the banks created this mess and we the people are the only ones suffering by it, yet they are the ones that are fixing the problem they created!
This is INSANE! They all need to be voted out now! Find a tea party and go to it on 4.15.09 in your city. Act now to send this message to your government.