National Debt Clock

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Depression in America

Just a few observation's over the last couple of weeks from new around the U.S. While the Government is busy shutting down Detroit, the local governments are getting ready to bulldoze down who city block in Cincinnati. They have been suffering job loses since the year 2000.
In the news cycles recently, many people are shocked at the number of police that have been shot and killed as well as regular citizens in this county by people who are snapping under the pressure of this now government created, extended depression of our great American economy.
This has happened many times before, to say that is not to diminish the great loss of life as a result of these people who commit these crimes.
The retraction of individual liberty by a depression does reach far into the heart of our county and causes many who do not have the skills to deal with this stress in this matter. Guns are not the evil here, government that is over stepping it bounds is at fault here. It did not protect the public interest by paying attention to the warnings signs provided to by the failing of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae. Had the congress acted responsibly then these situations might not had happened. There will be more due to the congress's current actions against the free market system. That is a proven fact. Every time government's expand their controls over the lives of the common citizen these kinds of crimes are committed with greater frequency. These are the governments' own statistical studies, so why aren't they acting to prevent this you ask? That is a good question to ask your legislator's when the come home this week and next week! Don't be afraid to ask them.
We The People DO Surround Them. We vote them in and we can and will vote them out as well.

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