National Debt Clock

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Defenders of Liberty and Freedom everywhere

Merry Christmas to All!

On the news today they are all talking about moving Terrorist whom are currently held at GITMO to the U.S. main land. Where they will enjoy the rights and protections of the laws of the United States. It is illegal for them to be brought here at all, yet the left would have you believe they can do it without breaking U.S. law, in fact they will have to change U.S. law to do what they want. That will open doors that we do not want opened ever legally. A war is not a police action! You cannot make it one simply because you want too.

Only the uninformed and worldly uneducated would attempt this. Which explains the actions of this young POTUS in office. Community organizers make for bad policy makers and awful executives any where they sit in office. Slavery is just around the corner with this new progressive congress and white house administration. Call it Chicago politics or gangster or mobster mentality, or any other term you wish to assign it. I grew up watching Chicago politicians destroy good causes and peoples lives because they were in power. Now we have them in the White House!

Stimulus, Cap & Trade, ObamaCare and the like are distractions from what is really happening in America today. Those who voted in the current members of congress and the white house should be preparing themselves for a new task master (slave master), They want peace at any cost. This is how road to communism is paved. The latest is the EPA acting as a power unto it's self has now with the courts of the united states attempted to steal Americans property rights. Unconstitutional actions by the courts are allowing progressives to take American away from ordinary people at every turn. Judges should be removed from office for allowing these actions to come to fruition.

It would not be the first time in U.S. history that judges were removed from office. Be wary that the current administration doesn't do this in order to realign the courts to effect the course of their actions, side stepping the House of Representatives and Senate altogether. I has happened in Chicago's history with politicians in the mobster age of Chicago, and will happen again in order for this president to continue his fundamental transformation of America. He doesn't fear for himself or his family in doing what he is doing to America because he isn't an American.

So why you ask is he in office. You American voted him in. It's your fault! Values in America and the basic belief that American's have held dear for the last 233 years have been eroded away by the left, effecting children's understanding of why America is the greatest nation in the world. This has been going on for over 80 years now in American homes, schools, jobs and belief in God. All these things have been attacked in American and slowly now we can see the differences, It's not Merry Christmas, it's happy holidays, God in America has to die in order for them to succeed. This nation was founded by Christians, it is a Christian Nation and always will be.

Those whom come here now don't even have to learn to speak English as a main language. We have to bend to them and speak their tongue. Everything that made America great has been attacked and removed by the left. The Left is a very small contingent of people, less than 1% of the entire U.S. population. So why have they taken over? Because most American's didn't believe that they could! Now do you believe! They will destroy everything you thought could never be changed and made bad or illegal, you will very soon be turned into law breaking criminals so they can eliminate you to carry out their plans to steal the entire country. You will be rendered from you homes and made into modern day slaves to the government (call it collectivism, fascism, socialism or communism). You may have to give your life, limb and property to save your children from this fate. What say you all? Is this the America you want your children to grow up in? I certainly hope your answer is NO!

Browsing the web today I found a great poem and decided it would be a great thing to share with everyone I know. I'm not sure who wrote this but I will give credit to the author for this amazing work if I can find him. Click the story link title above to goto the site where I obtained the poem for more information.

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,

I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.

My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,

My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,

Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,

Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,

Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.

In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,

So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,

But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear..

Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,

Then thesure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,

And I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,

A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,

Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.

Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,

Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,

"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!

Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,

You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"

For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,

Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light

Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right, I

'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."

"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,

That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,

I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,

"Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.

"My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',

And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,

But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,

The red, white, and blue... an American flag.

I can live through the cold and the being alone,

Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,

I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.

I can carry the weight of killing another,

Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..

Who stand at the front against any and all,

To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."

" So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,

Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."

"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,

"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

It seems all too little for all that you've done,

For being away from your wife and your son."

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,

"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,

To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,

To know you remember we fought and we bled.

Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,

That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

God Bless us and Keep us Safe, God bless the United States of America. If you believe as I do, you must act with force of spirit, prayer and deed every day of your life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lost in his own imagined success

Once again the POTUS is trying to circumvent the U.S. Constitution, selling out the sovereignty of the U.S. for a Nobel Peace Prize, with his trip to Copenhagen to pledge a 17% reduction in green house gas emissions from the U.S. Doing so without the real power to do so in the first place. This man is out of his right mind. He knows nothing about the government and doesn't care about anyone except himself. Running around the world apologizing for the U.S., bowing to foreign oil, spouting wonderful quotes where his words are meaningless and enrage most true blue real Americans at every turn.
He is the President of the United States of America. Not Indonesia, not Saudi Arabia, not Hawaii and certainly not Chicago Illinois but the USA! He just doesn't get it.

I feel sorry for his children who are going to grow up knowing the legacy that he has left them and all American's after he leaves office. It will be a horrible thing for them to have to live down for the rest of their lives as well. How as a father can he justify his abuse of the office of the president to throw out the very values that have protected him and his family and allowed him to succeed the way he has. He has acted shamefully thus far in his presidency. When will he grow up and become a real American Citizen? I don't think he has it in him to do so.

His whole life has been looking at American from the outside, never participating or accepting being an American in his heart or his wifes heart. It is a real shame that his family has been thrust upon the sword of America and been found wanting. The long term effect's on his children have yet to be seen but I can only imagine the suffering they will endure due to his reckless thoughts, deeds and actions at this point in his life.

Mr. Barry Satero, Alias Barrack Hussein Obama, POTUS. The man in the middle. A good public speaker, middle aged, successful by using our money to get his education. Now uses that education to destroy everything we have provided for him. Won't prove he really a red blooded true born in America, natural born American to serve in the Office of President of the United States, now governs from the left not right of center as the rest of America is. He can expect history will record his actions as treasonous to the core of the country. The lefts often lofty ideals can never pay for themselves and they always want to play robin hood, take from the rich and give to the poor, the underdog syndrome gone berserk!

The problem with most the liberal left rich people is that instead of taking personal responsibility to pay out some of their personal riches to charities and efforts to help reduce the national debt they keep creating they want the government to take from everyone, not just the rich. They shirk their personal responsibility to act and want the government to act instead. Cowards hide in the shadows of the government in order to steal from everyone instead of taking personal responsibility to help those whom have not. Their shameful actions disgrace them, their families, and their causes.

They just don't get it, they argue that it's right and proper for the government to act to protect the weakest in our country, not part of their responsibility personally to act to help them. They want us to surrender our rights in order that they can make all the big and important decisions for us. They don't get that not all American's can be helped by the government! They just won't stop spending money that they don't have in order to try to fix something they themselves should be personally responisble for.

Those who won't work don't need to be helped to find a job, or get all the rights and entitlements of working class American's. Those who come to America illegally need to leave. Those who refuse to learn english need to suffer for not learning it. Those who will not do for themselves need to suffer from the lack of action on their part for not participating in the Great American Experience!

Try not, DO! That is the American moto.

Once again I offer the following for your consideration. It should be taught in our schools and enforced by everyone who is a true born American.

The American's Creed


Also Please read the following and teach it to your children
as it is not allowed by law to be taught to your children is schools today.

An explanation of the Pledge Of Allegiance is offered for your review:

"I pledge allegiance"
(I promise to be true)
"to the flag"
(to the symbol of our country)
"of the United States of America"
(each state that has joined to make our country)
"and to the Republic"
(a republic is a country where the people choose others to make laws for them
-- the government is for the people)
"for which it stands,"
(the flag means the country)
"one Nation"
(a single country)
"under God,"
(the people believe in a supreme being)
(the country cannot be split into parts)
"with liberty and justice"
(with freedom and fairness)
"for all."
(for each person in the and me!)
The pledge says you are promising to be true to the United States of America!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Again I want to let all of you know that I still believe in the constitution our founders drafted is the supreme document of this nation. It should be defended at all costs! That includes life liberty and limb. Some in power now are continuing the assault on this supreme document and the articles contained therein.

There is now a new consensus developing across the United States and they believe the current government has gone rouge. They whom have been duly elected to represent us are laughing at us and ignoring us. It has been made clear in the poles that the majority doesn't want the current health care reform legislation, nor do we want the cap and trade legislation, nor did we want the stimulus which has not helped anyone except state governments and their employee's, not the people.

Lets vote them all out in 2010! Let's do so with extreme prejudice! Those elected officials who do not fear “We the People” need to be removed for life! Never to serve in a public office or capacity ever again.

Listen the the Rusty Humphries show interview with Sarah Palin this past week. Click the link below.

In an interview on the Rusty Humphries Show this past week, Sarah Palin responded to questions this way:

Friday, December 4, 2009

'Leave Me Alone'

'Leave Me Alone'

Dave Ramsey Has it Right! Hope the White House is listening! Click the title above and listen for yourself.

Get Government out of the private sector. Also you can watch FBN and John Stossel on Fox network.

Remember the size of the stacks of paper the Congress has piled up in a stack for the TARP, Stimulus, CAP & TRADE and now the ObamaCare bills would stand over 6 feet tall if you piled them one on top of the other. If you did this t0 the Declaration of Independance, The United States Constitution with it's ammendments and the Bill of Rights, they all don't add up to a 1/4 of an inch. Amazing is it not! Less goverment is better than more government!

Not only does it cost less to have smaller government, it creates a larger private sector!

Lets see if the progressives in control along with the chicago thugs in the whitehouse can figure a way out of the hole they've dug themselves.

Joining the Un-Employed Twice in one year

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have joined once again the numbers of the unemployed in the U.S. again this year.
I had previously been let go dew to a plant closing in Nashville Tennessee. I have been working underemployed for the last few months and have again been layed off for lack of work.

Now searching for a job at the end of the year is far more difficult than looking for work after the first of the year, when employer's are typically looking to hire not just collect a bunch of resumes. Layed off before Thanks Giving, waiting for unemployment to kick in and prospects looking poorer than they ever have been in my life time with no jobs in my field anywhere in the state be advertised. Christmas will be very bleak if it happens at all and forget New Years entirely. This must improve soon. I have been reading online for over two weeks now and still can't find any reason to believe this administration in the White House or the Congress has any real efforts underway to fix the U.S. employment issue.

I watched real time the White house photo op jobs forum on T.V., an apparent waist of time as most in attendance don't or have never created a job, or had real business experience. None of them where in a position to hire anyone. How does that help us?

It doesn't!

What will help, simple basic common sense approaches.

0. Stop Government Spending!
1. Cut out entitlement programs!
2. Stop adding to taxes, cut most of them.
3. Eliminate capital gains taxes.
4. Eliminate the Estate Tax.
5. Reduce payroll tax rates.

These six steps would in an extremely short time create a huge boom of hiring almost from the time you announce these steps to be taken Mr. President. Try doing them and see if they don't turn around the economy.

Copy from
Updated December 04, 2009
Jobless Rate Dips to 10 Percent as Obama Embarks on Multi-City Jobs Tour

If part-time workers who want full time jobs and laid off workers who have given up looking for work are included, the so-called underemployment rate also fell, to 17.2 percent from 17.5 percent in October.

"In the last two or three months people are getting disillusioned," Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, a Democrat, told the Wall Street Journal. "If he's kicking off this tour and nothing of substance comes out of it, it's gonna kill him," he said.

The rate also dropped because fewer people are looking for work. The size of the labor force, which includes the employed and those actively searching for jobs, fell by nearly 100,000, the third straight decline. That indicates more of the unemployed are giving up on looking for work.

The economy has now lost jobs for 23 straight months, but the small decline in November indicates the nation could begin generating jobs soon.

The participation rate, or the percentage of the population employed or looking for work, fell to 65 percent, the lowest since the recession began. Once laid-off people stop hunting for jobs, they are no longer counted in the unemployment rate.

Yet even as layoffs are easing, the slow pace of hiring is causing headaches for political leaders. The employment report comes a day after President Barack Obama hosted a "jobs summit" at the White House, where he told economists, business executives and union leaders that he is "open to every demonstrably good idea" to create jobs.
Updated December 04, 2009
Job Creation Near But Likely to Be Painfully Slow

Analysts expect the Labor Department will report Friday that employers cut a net total of 130,000 jobs in November, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters. That's an improvement from 190,000 the previous month.

The department is also expected to say the unemployment rate will remain 10.2 percent, the same as in October, a 26-year high.

Two economic reports Thursday gave some economists hope that employers will gear up hiring early next year and that the economy will start adding jobs in the first quarter. But the unemployment rate may still rise well into 2010.

That's because 15.7 million unemployed Americans will also have to compete against a huge number of "underemployed" workers for any new jobs that are created. The government estimates there are another 11.7 million people working fewer hours than they'd like or that have given up looking for work.

Recent productivity gains are "absolutely remarkable and equally unsustainable," said Carl Riccadonna, an economist at Deutsche Bank. Riccadonna also expects hiring to turn positive in the first quarter.

But the unemployment rate is likely to keep rising even if there are modest job gains. Some economists project it could peak near 11 percent next year.

That's partly because the number of job seekers is so high, even compared to previous recessions.

For example, the number of part-time workers who would like full-time work has more than doubled during the recession, to about 9.3 million.

There are another 2.4 million people who would like a job but aren't looking for work, either because they have given up on finding a job or have returned to school. Those people are no longer counted among the unemployed.

When they are combined with the unemployed, the total "underemployment rate" was 17.5 percent last month, the highest since the government began tracking it in 1994.

David Rosenberg, chief economist for Canadian wealth management firm Gluskin Sheff, said the 7 point difference between the jobless rate and underemployment rate is almost double the usual gap. That's an indication of how many more people are likely to be looking for work in coming months.

The unemployment rate is likely to climb as high as 12 percent, Rosenberg said. Those economists who expect it to peak near its current levels are "borderline delusional," he said.

Meanwhile, on Thursday the Institute for Supply Management's service sector index dropped to 48.7 from 50.6 in October. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had expected a level of 51.1.

Any reading below 50 signals contraction. The service sector had begun growing in September for the first time in 13 months.

The ISM measure tracks more than 80 percent of the country's economic activity, including such diverse industries as health care, retail, financial services and transportation.

The trade group said employment shrank for the 22nd time in the last 23 months, albeit at a slightly slower pace. Business activity shrank again after growing for the past three months and backlogs contracted. But new orders, a sign of future growth, continued expanding and prices rose.