National Debt Clock

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

G20 - New Taxes - Inflation worries

Today the President off to the G 20 Summit. What should be expect from this you ask? Resistance to his plans to spend even more and agree to the U.N. Plan to cap and trade any thing not green in technology. Just as he wants to pass on to us new taxes at home will he allow the U.N.'s 40 year old attempt to gain some measure of control over our economy. The Germans will resist, the French will resist, but that is not enough.

The President has become the new Commander and chief of the Automobile Industry now. He owns this crisis he has helped to create, and can not now ever blame it on anyone else. He is deliberately taking steps to move toward Socialism in the United States of America. He has said during his campaign, “ The U.S. Constitution is an impediment to his plans.” He is working is socialism magic out side the U.S. Constitution. The Congress is today talking about rules for reconciling the Presidents budget with out debate or discussion in the U.S. Senate. Making this the only Presidential budget in the history of the United States to be passed in to law with out both parties open debate. One party system rules will destroy this great nation and cause revolt! This may well be the only way to prevent further damage to “We the People”. We have to power to change all of this in the next election 50% of the senate are up for re-election along with 1/3rd of the House of Representatives. We desperately need new statesmen elected who will uphold the basic of the U.S. Constitution and return common sense to the Legislative body. In the mean time continue to use sites like to write to your representatives telling them what you want. Their email boxes are no where near full. So fill them up!

No more bail outs! No more new levies on our money. No more new taxes.

Tax Credits only continue the shame of the Democratic parties failed policies like the Great American Society, welfare, Medicare/Medicaid. Which have left our elderly woefully uncared for or attended too.

Socialist medicine is already being practiced with our elders and will be the target of new taxes as well, socialist know that they must remove all of their wealth in order to control the elderly. So watch for new taxes on health insurance as well.

The next issue we will have respond to is hyper-inflation caused by the Federal reserve printing to much new money to borrow our way out of depression. It doesn't work, it can't work. If you spend more than you make your bankrupt! This is what will cause our next big woo. Germany went through hyper-inflation in the 1920's and it paved the way for the rise of Hitler before they climbed out of it. Think of a loaf of bread costing you $1000.00 dollars or $1500.00 dollars of toilet items in your monthly budget. Scary but true with hyper-inflation. Get ready! If we stay this course of government spending we are not far away from complete collapse.

We Are Angry and We the People are Coming for YOU Congress.

Stop spending NOW or else


Sunday, March 29, 2009

What sort of FOOLS are we

April Fools?
Let's turn way back clock to 1965, the Democratic party declared we were now the Great American Society. So started welfare the first program designed by the Democrats to redistribute wealth in America. So how's that worked out? Obviously not to well as now we have created American families that depend on the government for everything. Their lives have not been improved over the last 50 years nor will it as the government doesn't want to fix it! People used to turn to their Churches and Families for help during hard times. Not now, they look to vote into office those who would reach farther into honest hard work men and womens earnings to feed the class they created who won't work, who bread crime, teach generation after generation to hate the rest of America because they don't have to look to the government for what they want and need. The Democrats' had successfully created the three class system. Those in poverty, the middle class, and the upper class. They forgot the independently wealthy because that was them. So today we have watched them run wild crushing underfoot the middle class the has risen up too high with big 401k's and lots of extra cash buy telling them it's okay to get more loans bigger houses, more credit cards and extend themselves into poverty because they new they were going to take it all away in a few years. Big government is the only way to go as far as the Democrats are concerned, how dare you think you can retire without receiving your sustainance from the government. Our elderly are already suffering from the democratic health care system called MEDICARE and now MEDICAID. It's killing you and me every paycheck. Soon there will not be enough paying in to support the number receiving checks from the government.
Now let move the wayback clock to present day, This April the G20 Summit will have a White house willing to agree to a new cap and trade program with the U.N. We have watched the U.N. Over the last 40 years trying to find away to control the U.S. Economy. Now watch the price of everything go up when we have to start paying a carbon tax for oil, electricity, coal, food and water. Climate Change your can believe in. Most of the scientific community is not convinced we can affect the world climate. They will say that reducing the release of ChloroFluoro Carbons (CFC) allowed the Earth to repair the Ozone. Which is true, however this alone will not effect the worlds climate significantly enough to change ocean currents or ice sheet size alone. They would then claim that deforestation is helping to cause the climate to change. The fact is they don't know that, even the smartest scientist will not side with the climate change crowd on this one. The desert regions of the earth grow and shrink each year giving no real indication of a climate change. The arctic ice sheets and northern passages in the ice flows north of Canada don't even show the signs of climate change. La Ninya and it brother La Ninyo have been becoming more temperate. Indicating exactly opposite of the climate change group, They say the Earth is warming up and the arctic ice sheets are melting more rapidly. Yes this is true, however, they won't tell you that it indicates that temperatures are starting to trend down. That means we are now going into an Ice Age. Just opposite what they tell everyone on the news media. Strange this science stuff is huh? Now the news.

April Fools, That's us!

I don't think so, New York State has worked out a deal to raise taxes on the top wage earner's. Making NY State the first to gouge the rich out of their money. Just say NO, isn't working in the face of run away taxation on the part of Democrats in America today. Those who worked hard for their money are now going to be taxed at an unprecedented rate across America buy those who created class warfare! The Democrats. Remember this at election time.... Remember......Remember..

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Ides of March

Oil prices are falling, gas prices are going up. What's up with this? Saving jobs by reducing refinery output. Demand is down, less people are driving to work each day at the rate of over 1200 Jobs per hour U.S. Wide.

The Secretary of the Treasury is trying to obtain powers to take down any company he believes puts the economy at risk. Ask your self why? Big Government needs to be in control of everything! What a huge mistake that will be. Other countries have tried this before, like Germany before the rise of Hitler, actually it helped Hitler to rise into power. The federal reserve is printing money and dumping it into the U.S. Economy and devaluing the dollar.

The CEO's of over 14 banks have lunch with the President, too talk about getting on the same sheet of music. What clef are they tuning up to play?

Not looking good for the auto industry, the President is looking to trim down the auto industry again wanting restructuring and model downsizing, while at the same time upping the mile per gallon mark for cars and light trucks all across the U.S. By 2011. Not a good working business model with out time to work up a real plan rather then the White House directed changes. The market isn't ready for change that fast, and the Union will all but be eliminated or significantly reduced in power with this move. Gee, maybe the President should get out of the Auto Industry and just let them go bankrupt! The Auto Industry will recover in time and be stronger for it.

Then the United Nations 40 year old plan to get control of the U.S. Economy. Using the vehicle of “Global Climate Change” to cover for there new Tax on the the Carbon footprint of Oil tankers, trains, planes and automobiles. Buy the way this will all but destroy tourism around the world and end most of the international Air Carriers as well.

They might get away with it, that is because the new administration, President Obama wants to enforce cap and trade regulation on U.S. Companies, consumers and the like. Watch the G 20 summit in Germany next month.

The Democrats are starting to wonder who they are, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid are trying to use the reconciliation rule to pass Obama's budget. This totally shreds the U.S. Constitution, completely bypassing the two party system of government. Should this happen you ask?

I say NO, write your State Senators' and house representatives today. Tell them to follow the Constitution they swore and oath to protect and defend. If they don't then write your States Governor and local representatives to recall them and tell them what to do and how to vote on measures presented to them.

All these things and more are distractions, that did not have to be put before us all at once. The White House's plan is to not waist an opportunity. They sure are taking advantage of the people now, talking sweetly to our face and bending us over when we turnaround. This has to stop!
They know they have to accomplish everything they can before December of 2009 or they will not get anything done after that due to 1/3rd of the house will be up for re-election after that. Remember the Presidents numbers are falling for a reason, he's lied, he's spun, he's failed to keep his campaign promises'. His Coat tails have already been cut short, soon we'll hand him his hat...

Cap&Trade - War politics and the Border

Today's news is talking about the new G20 Summit, and newly leaked plans for a Global Tax on energy. This plan makes the Kyoto accord seem small in comparison. Watch out for the new administration take this on. They are more willing to do cap and trade in the U.S. They will lend them selves to the U.N. plans. This will deal a deadly blow to the working class all over the world.

Also notable is the failure to support Israel against Ha mas terrorist, oh no I didn't. Yes, I did use that bad word, I should have said Ha mas Non-Combatants. Oh darn, can't use that word either, guess I'll have to call them the other side. How will the Obama's presidency handle themselves on the international stage. Not very well so far. Bet he'd do more if his children were having rockets launched at them.

Mexico's drug lords have there troops fighting at the border between our two countries to maintain their drug corridors into the U.S. The new Secretary of Homeland Defense is trying to do a police action along part of the southern border. The President wants more money sent to Mexico to help purchase helicopters. Why not put real military units from within the U.S. on the border? I won't cost much more than sending police actionable civil service personnel to the border but will put far more fire power on the boarder. The President could move over 10 Thousand Troops on the border with in one week to seal it and prevent tunnels and bombs from knocking down the walls. Why not squeeze the drug dealers between the Mexican Army and the U.S. Army. Probably because it would work!

Sounding big about Afghanistan and Pakistan looks good in the media, but he has already lost due to his weak message sent to the terrorists' of the world. They have found the weak link and will use it to attack whom ever they want. So much for the sound bites from the President today.

Now on to the Congress today, the house and senate are going to use reconciliation to push their legislative agenda. They are going to silence the GOP completely needing only 51 votes to pass the budget. They are going to attach the Cap and Trade to it and any thing else they think they can get away with to the budget. There goes the next generation of our children's money. Using this method they have completely thwarted the two party system of government to get their way. This had to enrage the common voter, if not we are lost to socialism.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

An old Socialist agenda!

Today's news as well as the preceding months activity in Washington is moving our government into the socialist mob mode of rule. Democracy, as Washington legislators' are proving on a daily basis is moving farther left every hour. Every committee meeting, every press conference, every news leak, every action taken is resulting in government growing bigger and more oppressive with every action it takes. Consuming every dollar it can of yours' and your Arie's.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Bill OReilly, Hannity and other's are trying to get the word out, but on most it appears that it's falling on deaf ears. Tea Parties are on the rise says Glenn Beck, Bill OReilly the far left attack dogs are growing bigger teeth, and are working with the Obama Administration daily, to minimize anyone who speaks out against them, silencing them, suing them, threatening them with protest, leaking names of private persons in the name fear and rage. Hannity says, it's the biggest power grab every in the history of the United States, completely contravening the constitution, most of not all the laws of the land, commerce, trade, etc., etc.

They attack the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and more. They have already told us they want to destroy Wall Street. The Captains of Industry, the center of American financial power has sent the White House the Message repeatedly. It's not that they can't hear it, they do and do nothing. Grand Ideas, Great Speeches, Best Intentions, they don't work with out a real plan. When it is revealed to us we are repulsed just by the size of the spending that goes with it.

Washington has lost it's way and needs to be dealt with sooner than later, If the Congress pushes President Obama's 3.6 Trillion dollar budget through without heeding Republicans, the result will be the collapse of two party system in Congress. Reasonable men would not let this happen, but it appears some Democrats are trying to stand up and say no. To them I cheer Hurrah! Others' I would shame. I watch their votes in the house and senate to see who stands for the free market system and those who don't.

I have lived through Vietnam, the gas shortages, the savings and loan failures, the dot com fall and 9/11. This time is different as most feel they voted for Change we Needed and now wish that we had not. The worst is yet to come, even as the government grabs for broader powers from the same corrupt able politicians who got us in this mess, and they will likely get the power!
No not from us, but from the Congress who is over stepping it's power, not listening to us.

We the People, will choose again soon! All you elected Officials beware, we are the people, we are angry, we will take this country back. You will be subject to our anger, rage and wrath if you forget how this nation was made great. A war is a war, an enemy is an enemy, a hero is still a hero, a terrorist still a terrorist. Political correctness is wash with most if not all real Americans, who have watched the left twist our words to lam bast us with shame for what.

Tell the truth, Prove your are Trustworthy to us, We the People are coming for you if you fail us this time.

Defend the U.S. Constitution you swore an oath of office to protect and defend against all enemies forgien or domestic, or lose our trust and be removed from office. You elected officials who fail to hear the peoples voices will be sounded out, elections are coming, but we may not wait. We do have other resources which can and will be used against you just as you use the left wing smear machine. We have the power and we are not afraid to use it against you.

Remember,...... Remember