National Debt Clock

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Ides of March

Oil prices are falling, gas prices are going up. What's up with this? Saving jobs by reducing refinery output. Demand is down, less people are driving to work each day at the rate of over 1200 Jobs per hour U.S. Wide.

The Secretary of the Treasury is trying to obtain powers to take down any company he believes puts the economy at risk. Ask your self why? Big Government needs to be in control of everything! What a huge mistake that will be. Other countries have tried this before, like Germany before the rise of Hitler, actually it helped Hitler to rise into power. The federal reserve is printing money and dumping it into the U.S. Economy and devaluing the dollar.

The CEO's of over 14 banks have lunch with the President, too talk about getting on the same sheet of music. What clef are they tuning up to play?

Not looking good for the auto industry, the President is looking to trim down the auto industry again wanting restructuring and model downsizing, while at the same time upping the mile per gallon mark for cars and light trucks all across the U.S. By 2011. Not a good working business model with out time to work up a real plan rather then the White House directed changes. The market isn't ready for change that fast, and the Union will all but be eliminated or significantly reduced in power with this move. Gee, maybe the President should get out of the Auto Industry and just let them go bankrupt! The Auto Industry will recover in time and be stronger for it.

Then the United Nations 40 year old plan to get control of the U.S. Economy. Using the vehicle of “Global Climate Change” to cover for there new Tax on the the Carbon footprint of Oil tankers, trains, planes and automobiles. Buy the way this will all but destroy tourism around the world and end most of the international Air Carriers as well.

They might get away with it, that is because the new administration, President Obama wants to enforce cap and trade regulation on U.S. Companies, consumers and the like. Watch the G 20 summit in Germany next month.

The Democrats are starting to wonder who they are, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid are trying to use the reconciliation rule to pass Obama's budget. This totally shreds the U.S. Constitution, completely bypassing the two party system of government. Should this happen you ask?

I say NO, write your State Senators' and house representatives today. Tell them to follow the Constitution they swore and oath to protect and defend. If they don't then write your States Governor and local representatives to recall them and tell them what to do and how to vote on measures presented to them.

All these things and more are distractions, that did not have to be put before us all at once. The White House's plan is to not waist an opportunity. They sure are taking advantage of the people now, talking sweetly to our face and bending us over when we turnaround. This has to stop!
They know they have to accomplish everything they can before December of 2009 or they will not get anything done after that due to 1/3rd of the house will be up for re-election after that. Remember the Presidents numbers are falling for a reason, he's lied, he's spun, he's failed to keep his campaign promises'. His Coat tails have already been cut short, soon we'll hand him his hat...

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