National Debt Clock

Thursday, March 26, 2009

An old Socialist agenda!

Today's news as well as the preceding months activity in Washington is moving our government into the socialist mob mode of rule. Democracy, as Washington legislators' are proving on a daily basis is moving farther left every hour. Every committee meeting, every press conference, every news leak, every action taken is resulting in government growing bigger and more oppressive with every action it takes. Consuming every dollar it can of yours' and your Arie's.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Bill OReilly, Hannity and other's are trying to get the word out, but on most it appears that it's falling on deaf ears. Tea Parties are on the rise says Glenn Beck, Bill OReilly the far left attack dogs are growing bigger teeth, and are working with the Obama Administration daily, to minimize anyone who speaks out against them, silencing them, suing them, threatening them with protest, leaking names of private persons in the name fear and rage. Hannity says, it's the biggest power grab every in the history of the United States, completely contravening the constitution, most of not all the laws of the land, commerce, trade, etc., etc.

They attack the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and more. They have already told us they want to destroy Wall Street. The Captains of Industry, the center of American financial power has sent the White House the Message repeatedly. It's not that they can't hear it, they do and do nothing. Grand Ideas, Great Speeches, Best Intentions, they don't work with out a real plan. When it is revealed to us we are repulsed just by the size of the spending that goes with it.

Washington has lost it's way and needs to be dealt with sooner than later, If the Congress pushes President Obama's 3.6 Trillion dollar budget through without heeding Republicans, the result will be the collapse of two party system in Congress. Reasonable men would not let this happen, but it appears some Democrats are trying to stand up and say no. To them I cheer Hurrah! Others' I would shame. I watch their votes in the house and senate to see who stands for the free market system and those who don't.

I have lived through Vietnam, the gas shortages, the savings and loan failures, the dot com fall and 9/11. This time is different as most feel they voted for Change we Needed and now wish that we had not. The worst is yet to come, even as the government grabs for broader powers from the same corrupt able politicians who got us in this mess, and they will likely get the power!
No not from us, but from the Congress who is over stepping it's power, not listening to us.

We the People, will choose again soon! All you elected Officials beware, we are the people, we are angry, we will take this country back. You will be subject to our anger, rage and wrath if you forget how this nation was made great. A war is a war, an enemy is an enemy, a hero is still a hero, a terrorist still a terrorist. Political correctness is wash with most if not all real Americans, who have watched the left twist our words to lam bast us with shame for what.

Tell the truth, Prove your are Trustworthy to us, We the People are coming for you if you fail us this time.

Defend the U.S. Constitution you swore an oath of office to protect and defend against all enemies forgien or domestic, or lose our trust and be removed from office. You elected officials who fail to hear the peoples voices will be sounded out, elections are coming, but we may not wait. We do have other resources which can and will be used against you just as you use the left wing smear machine. We have the power and we are not afraid to use it against you.

Remember,...... Remember

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