National Debt Clock

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just like the TV Show West Wing?

This is just like the TV show West Wing. It's a comedy that the Obama White House Staff should be trying to direct the legislative body in this manner. No were near having all his appointees seated, so many other staff positions still awaiting nominees. It's a slap happy Chicago style political free for all. A press secretary who can't answer a real question with a completely formed sentence. Really, is this the front the west wing wants the public to see every day in the media. I for one certainly hope the answer is no. The President's G20 worldwide tour is great P.R., but has not generated any of this pre-G20 hopes. Pandering to the E.U. was his learning experience at our expense. Some comments made during the President's trip are receiving much attention back at home. Talking down American's is not sitting well with real center of the road citizens' in the U.S.A. There will be consequences, but just how they will be reflected is in the voter's hands. Ground roots, groups are forming up to fight the Obama White House Plans all across the United States and could pose a significant challenge for the Congress to continue to ignore and still support the Presidents' agenda. Can the President win the fight against the citizens welling up their numbers against his plans? That is the question, can government officials defeat the people? As a real believer in the U.S. Constitution I certainly hope not! If he does, what he said about the Constitution being an impediment to his plans will be proved true and further fuel grass root groups, galvanizing them into much larger action groups of people protesting Obama's policies. His actions at home could cause the the U.S. Military to be called into action to halt insurrection, which is not necessarily illegal because of new changes to the laws made by Congress in the last few years. Think about that!