National Debt Clock

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Smear Machines from the Left

A short revelation to those of the left wing smear machine, we're watching you everywhere on the web and bringing it too you when you brazenly spread your lie's and disinformation. We know the truth and will challenge you too support your claims everywhere, If you can't then we may have to sue you to recover damages from your libelous claims. Some of them might even be considered Libelous Malice on your part mr. left smear machine. What follows are a few short snippets from the Fox News Blog. Credit goes to those who make the comments below:

Right Wing Lunacy says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:18 am
Fixed News, home of the the most uneducated, racist, morons, that keep repeating the same old tired fear mongering. Try waking up, take a little responsibility for the disaster of the last 8 years, and your idiology of “ME”, instead of the idea of “WE” or as you call it Socialism, otherwise known as living in a society instead of a cave.
Mr Robert Buenger says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:33 am
I know you won’t ever be back to read this so I’ll make it short anyway that's because I know your attention span is so short.
We WE Love people, and want them to succeed, rise up from were your democratic party has left them wanting after a long 50 years, they were stirred up by a black American wanting to be president, that’s great, I just wish the President would get the message we’re telling him and heed it. No to this budget or any that spend more than we make!Simple. Bye.
mizztanya says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:34 am
socialism or a cave, and you choose socialism? that is completely opposite of the beliefs of our forefathers. i guess we also know what you would choose if given the choice of liberty or death.
Cari says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:37 am
I didn’t realize that liberty meant being cooped up in a cage….doesn’t even make sense.
Mr Robert Buenger says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:43 am
Actually, he has chosen Fascism, not socialism. There is a difference, small but not much different. He has chosen to live in poverty and not to rise up and become the next great American he could have been. He doesn’t understand being an American require’s that you fight, I mean really fight to keep this Republic, That is what is at risk at this time, Benjamin Franklin said it plainly to a women after the first continental congress met, when leaving a women asked him what they had given us today, He replied, “A Republic, Mam, If you can keep it.” This is exactly what we are fighting for. What our founding father gave us.“We The People”. God Bless America

These kinds of people who twist the words of good and honorable people to hurt other's is wrong, and the mainstream media needs to stop supporting them, Get the Message NBC...