National Debt Clock

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Response to the President's budget Agenda.

Written as the President gave his speech today on Television.

It is suggested that the office of the President of the United States is about character. I submit that the office of the President is all about character.

The office of the President is nothing else but defending the U.S. Constitution.
Encouraging the people in their faith, and presenting the face of this great nation to the world. And why would the candidate for office of the president not support the constitution, say that it is an impediment to his plans.

America is hard, America is advanced citizenship. You've got want it bad, because it's going to put up a fight. You want free speech, let's see you acknowledge a man who's words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land is the land of the free, then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one it's citizen's exercising his right to burn that flag in protest, now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms, then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.
I have watched Senator Obama in his short tenure and see that he only groomed himself for the election campaign. It's not that he is a bad man, or that he has know experience, has never run a company or that he isn't eligible to even run for the office he aspired too. It's not that he just doesn't get it, he can't sell it to people who know better. His policies have all been tried before and failed. American History can't be ignored. His hard selling isn't working even in his own party. The President is directing appointed people in government offices to ignore already tried and proven law in the economic matters he is now trying to solve by unproven means and measure's which totally disregard the already proven laws of this nation.

We have serious problems to solve and we need serious people to solve them, and whatever your particular problems are I promise you, President Obama isn't the least bit interested in solving it. President Obama is only interested in two things, and two things only.

1. Making you afraid of it!

2. And telling you who's to blame for it!

That ladies and gentlemen is how you win elections, and make radical changes to policies that govern how we live our lives, it changes whether we thrive or diminish in this great nation.

You gather a group of middle age, middle class, middle income and poor voter's together, who remember with longing and easier times and you talk to them about family and American values, promising change, and telling you the other party is to blame for your lot in life. You tell everyone they are the party of NO!

Most American's have been busy working and doing their jobs, oblivious to the small changes that have been occurring in the government over the last 50 years. Slowly there have been changes made that effect everyone in America everyday reducing their liberty. It started with the Great American Society and has rapidly moved from this point to today's usurping of the private sector after warnings about the failures of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the Wall Street Crash, the bailout, and now spending bills which will drain the main street coffers of all it's money and eat away at the paychecks of every taxpayer across the nation.

The arguments' the President has made sound convincing, but again they have failed in the past, badly, and effecting everyone in America. He uses the words WE a lot as thou to confide in us, to enlist us in this a proven failed method to correct a down economy, not a failed economy that he could produce if his policy's win favor in congress.

If the American President is about character then you have ask yourself, who is this man who does nothing but blame other people, call us arrogant and derisive, apologize for us all over the world, and continue to try to change the facts to suit his spending agenda which doesn't work anywhere else in the world. Only Progressives can except this way of thinking and not wretch at the thought at huge government growth so far from the founding fathers' wise counsel. Using modern terms to confuse and confound the common man as if it would convince the educated man. I say not only NO but Heck NO!

This will not stand, the changes he progressively proposes will effect everyone badly, bigger government can only limit liberty and freedom here in America and the world.

Find your local TAX DAY TEA PARTY, and go their, take the day off work, get involved in any way you can. The President is convinced are tax problems are bad along with bad deficits and is only trying to convince us to give him the power to make it worse by spending more than any other administration in the entire history of the world.

Remember We the People govern this country, We the People Surround those who we sent to Washington to do our work, If they won't listen to us now then we must act to preserve our way of life, liberty and freedom. The president's ideas about fiscal responsibility is to spend more, when we are not even working, when 660 thousand less jobs are available each month since he took office, more than 4.5 million people lost jobs in the short time he's been in office then the last two years of the Bush era.

To quote a historical President Harry Truman. The buck stops here, with the people President Obama, not with you. That is why your running into opposition. Not because the Republican party is resisting you and offering another path for you to take which you have to date ignored.

Bob from America said this....