National Debt Clock

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama Refuses Banks TARP money return.

The President is not going to accept the return of taxpayer money from the US Banks that are trying to pay back the taxpayers the TARP funds forced on them by the Treasury department this week. Why is the question? It is obvious that the President intends to keep the US Banks under his control and not allow the free market system to thrive as it should. I see now that the Obama's power grab is just one part of the overall tactics he has employed to hurt the US economy. It is now Obama's intention to move into other area's of the free market? I think so or his plan to discard the U.S. Constitution will fail. So who is next you say, how about the private insurance policy industry who insures you if you die.
Treasury Sec. Plan bailout for Insurance Companies this week. Just announced. The U.S. Insurance companies are being targeted for take over from the Treasury department, with the justification that since their stock prices are depressed by the downturn in the free market they would not have the needed funds available in the event that people started to cash out the policies. This was the next step, in this incidieous plan to undermine the free market system. The President's plans for our economy are shaping up. The President's plans thus far have been to spend and tax more than any other president in the history of the United States, Nationalize the Banks, Nationalize the Insurance Industry, Nationalize the Auto Industry, Nationalize the Food Industry and keep printing new money to deflate the value of the US Dollar at home and overseas in-order to collapse the United States. The multi-headed attack of the free market system has been assaulted by the President's team, they include the FED, Treasury Sec., Congress and lastly the legal departments and posts of the U.S. Government in a new hope of his to throw out the Unites States Constitution and replace it with Trans-National Law which removes your rights' and places you under the control of foreign powers ultimately. In doing this he has side stepped all the road block's our founding father's put in the Constitution with the exception of the Supreme Court.
They are next! All President Obama is waiting for is some company to challenge him in the U.S. Supreme Court, then the last vestibule of the U.S. Constitution will be assaulted with the aid of the legislative branch. We must be prepared to support as a people, the courts actions to prevent the continued assault, on all of the principals our fore father's installed in the Constitution to protect us.
We will fail apart, the left smear machine has created a huge divide throughout the United States, and the President's plan is to use this created divide to destroy America and reshape it with a new supplanted constitution of his design. This must be resisted, fought aggressively on every front as he proceeds with these actions. It is obvious to those of us who have actually read the founding documents of this great republic, that the afore mentioned actions the President has taken are too these ends destructive intentionally, not mishaps, or oversights' in is action plan. Many well educated men have fallen for these tactics before in the history of Democracies else where in the world. This representative democracy called a Republic, has it faults, but President Obama's plan's are evil, just pure evil. He is willfully taking actions to undermine this great nation's footing's without telling us what he is doing because he knows that it would cause the people to rise up and remove him and is partners' from power with all the power we can muster. He as been working with congress to create the power's needed to control the U.S. Military and be able to use them against any people uprising to take back control of the representative democracy, our Republic.
Remember you can choose to do nothing, or choose to act. The choice is yours to make, but remember the fall of every great nation like ours in history has caused a great depression of the people. History doesn't lie to us. We will suffer, many with out homes, jobs, food, or water and power. We will become the waste that the new regime will form into a new oligarchy form of government. Just a few in power with their cronies and the rest of us in desolate poverty.