National Debt Clock

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mother's, the American families history makers

I spent my day reliving a day in my distant past.  Remembering how it was 45 years ago at home in Wisconsin.  The cold winter days and nights with snow covering the ground and the wind blowing outside moving the light snow around.  I had just finished shoveling the driveway and the sidewalks around our house so that my father would be able to get the car up the driveway into the garage when he came home.  Working on my home work from school and planning what I would do when the weekend came.  Simple times and busy times for me as a young boy.  Simpler times then than now.  Much less to think about, worry about and much less work than today.

Back then the most I had to worry about was homework and when I would finish with the paper route and get my route money turned in to get the next comic book from the Pharmacy.  It was right next to the Town & Country Grocery store which we shopped at each week. 

Then as it is now I go to the store each week, remembering what was and looking at what is now.  No longer does the government use the prices of milk, eggs, and bacon to gauge the cost of living or inflation created by a government out of control with spending.  Nor do they bother with the cost of a gallon of gas.  They pretend that these things no longer matter, but they do!  It's proof that the political class has lost touch with American families.  Yes the ones that live and suffer under their rule today.

The politicians of today, holding their court in a far away place deciding for us what kind of life we American Families should be entitled too.  The politicians who claim they are fighting for the families of America.  They look down at us and say, it's complicated, to complicated for you to understand.  You don't have the needed education, you don't understand that everything and everyone must have an equal opportunity.   That we must all share the burdens equally.  That those whom work hard every day, because we still believe there is a chance to pull this country out of it have to sacrifice more of our hard earnings for the ruling political class to shower down upon their selected few, our earnings taken from us by the power of a government we willing elected.  Now as the end draws near, and grip tightens around the life blood of the American Family.  The political class has positioned themselves to be our saviors once again.  Now they will borrow us American Families in Slavery so they can get rich. 

This is the way history has destroyed great nations for thousands of years.  The worst of the bunch learns to lie convincingly to gain power and take from those who are the real producers of the nation, then sell them out to their enemies.   History has shown us this is what happens when a nation fall from the grace of God.  Every single time, in history that this has happened it was the self centered self anointed in positions of power who destroyed the nation. 

Some nations failed with only a few of the self anointed being killed off while others escaped.  Some times they all were taken by violence as the new radicals took over and killed them all.   Only this country was different,  America.  But now they rear their ugly head at us and say you are no better than any other country.  You can fail as well.

They are the ones currently in power,  telling us they will continue to ignore the United States Constitution, the rule of law, the very foundations of this nation be dammed!

This is what we have elected to rule over us.  Seditionist, Terrorists, Tyrants and thieves.  This is what happens when we loose our way, forget our traditions, ignore all the affronts to the common decency that made this country great. 

Along time again we were told.  All that need to happen for evil to win is for a good men to do nothing. 

We have watched them take our dignity, take our sense of honor, our self respect and our respect for our neighbors from us.  Pitting us one against the other since 1964.  Some of us today we not even alive when it started and so have no memory of how things were before it all began.  It is lost on today youth who have never tasted the freedom we remember.  Nor the joy we felt as the last bastion of socialism fell, the USSR. years ago.

Some of those in the Federal government today were alive back in 1964, they remember how things were then and could be if only they could be those good men and stop evil from moving even one more step.  If only they could be the good godly men, with real honor and courage today and end this advance of evil across the nation.  But at last, we have seen their courage flail against the advance of progressives who only have mouth pieces to defend them if we the American Families could stand up for them.  We have the ultimate power and the final responsibility in our own despotism.  We must right the course of this nation.  Politicians can only reflect what is wrong with America and we must offer up from the people the solutions needed by selecting of us those who will stand with us holding them up.  In order to heal America, Americans must heal themselves first.

We are being distracted from this by the current political diatribe assaulting our ears every day by the Main Stream Media.  We must first look to ourselves to heal the wounds which have been self afflicted by being soft hearted enough to care for those who care not for anyone else but themselves.  Because we were told it was the right thing to do.  Instead of listening to our fathers who told us that those who were poor, were poor because they chose that lifestyle by failing to act.  That they needed to suffer their decisions in order to learn, that their suffering was self inflicted and they could change that in America any time they wanted.  That the best thing you could do for them was make them uncomfortable in their poverty, so that they would see the error of their ways and change.  This is the part of the lesson we in America have forgotten.  That in order for the poor to save themselves they need to suffer and fail to learn to change themselves.  We did not need to change to help them they needed to change to be like us.  We would show them the way to prosperity by example and they would follow and become successful as well.  

My mother said long ago, show me your friends and I'll show you your future.  She was right as rain then and still today talking to me from her grave..  

You were right again Mother.

"Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient, too proud to
pray to the god that made us." - Abraham Lincoln

"Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness."
 -- George Washington

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our Country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.."
 ~ Samuel Adams, 1776

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you." - Pericles 430BC

1 comment:

  1. This country is way beyond a narrow political ideology saving it.
