National Debt Clock

Monday, August 9, 2010

There you go again! Sound familiar!

Our President, is sounding just like the campaign dog that he is, trying to make us believe how well things are going in his presidency and for the nation as a whole.

Your not fooling us Mr. President!

We've watched you spend and spin your way into office and do the same after you got in office.

None of it has changed our minds about who or what you are or what you mean to the liberal left in America.

We've watched as the liver less Main Stream Media bowed to you and your campaigns needs, slandering and slobbering your way into the history books of the world, and all so that you could fundamentally change America?


Who died and made you GOD! Obviously Lincoln and Roosevelt have been dead a long time and you were not even born then, so WHO?

Just whom do you represent? Don't say the poor, downtrodden, broken or sick, you screwed them in Chicago and Illinios and now all of America!

What body of Americans do you represent? Don't tell me it's black Americans, you hate them. They are beneath you and your wife. You only deal with them if you have too. Everything you have done has hurt them in a growing pool of numbers.

Even in our black communities we know that things have gotten worse since you took office, Mr. President. Democrats have always spoken out with a forked tongue when it comes the the “sacred cow” of racial disparagement. The democrats have even lessened the value of the word RACIST, by it's over use with respect to those whom should have known better.

Yet they are the ones dividing the nation on that basis, Why? You ask? Because they need to scare all us black Americans out of our collective skins and get us to vote the Democrats back into office. The Democrats have worked hard to “gerrymander” the major cities in the U.S. into democrat re-election drones. When what we really need to be doing is voting them all out of office. After 40 years of failed democratic rule I don't know even one black American who has made it out of the hood with the governments help! NOT ONE!

So who cares who drove the car off the road , it's a longer history for the democrats at failing to deliver than it ever was for republicans. It's not about the D's and R's in front of the candidates names Mr. President, It's about the principals and values that our father's had and taught us. Oh, I'm sorry (not), that your Dad left you with the white woman, to raise you in a white family and enjoy all the perks that goes with that and all. You didn't stand a chance if you mother and father had stayed together. You know that but you still fight that fight everyday by further destroying the nuclear black family in America every day you continue this Kingship your devoted have given you.

We the voting public have for too long forgotten that even though we might not be interested in politics, it doesn't mean politicians have not been thinking about us in ways we really don't want to believe. Why would any free black man in America want to become a slave to the Central governments demands upon us. Why should we be sold out by the current White House Elite? Why are we in the major cities still voting to put ourselves back into slavery? When I talk to men and women they say they won't be told what to do or where to work, but then vote for those who will do just exactly that to us. We in the hoods just want to be left alone and allowed to sell our crack and mess with the hoes. Just give us the stuff and leave us alone. That is a very powerful message from the hood. We have been programed by the 40 years of democratic progressivism to fail right from the start!

We need to get involved or we'll get our chains back for good and that will include our black children.

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