National Debt Clock

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Mount Vernon Statement

The Mount Vernon Statement
Conservative Beliefs, Values and Principles

With the Signing of this new 21st Century Conservative document by all those whom chose to do so we have today the beginning's of a new wave of governance emerging. One which will herold a return to the founder's belief's in this nation.

Today is the beginning of the CPAC. I can only pray that most American's will follow this course to restore America to prosperity. The Tea Party has created a “Contract from America”, that political candidates must sign inorder to gain our support for their campaigns. They will unvial this document today at CPAC to the nation at large. Everyone, everywhere should look at this document as a starting point for any individual's courting their support for elected office, not just at the Federal level but the State and Local levels as well.

With respect to the Founders original documents, I support a quick and massive response to return to the era of a responsible small role central government. People need to take back the power the current government bodies believe they have for themselves. Pass legislation to prevent future expansions on the part of the central government and demand by all means a constitutional amendment to restrict government to a balance budget, install term limits to the seats of power in all elected branches of government.

To insure that the government doesn't act against the will of the people again, propose a constitutional amendment to empower the United States Supreme Court to strike down all cases of law that are not based on the constitution, bye bye case law. Lawyers acceptance of this is unimportant, what is important is that they will have to return to laws that are based on our Constitution, not just the last lawsuit. We American's should revel in this belief, it is essential to the return of common laws and local governance. This is the new wave that is coming. It's coming due to the new methods of communication's being used today in America by virtually everyone and growing more each day.

The day is over for the Super State. The days of the IRS and government intrusion into each and every American's lives is at it's end as well. Regular Citizens are more capable of running their lives than any single person no matter how smart he is. This is the basic tenant of the founding fathers documents and should be adhered to and supported by the United States Supreme Court first and foremost. No existing laws which violate this basic tenant should stand in any state. Legal law reviews should support this return to basic rights and strike from all central government and state governments any laws which impeede those basic rights. No patriot act, no bailouts, no cap & trade, no single payer health care systems, no more taxes.

We also need a return to our historical path of religious freedom restored, being able to practice your faith on public grounds must be restored, far to many lawsuits have held that everyone must be without religion in the public sector and it has led us down this fearful path, creating the political correctness that has weakened us badly. Just because someone objects to religious gathering or begins a religious practice in a public owned place the people should not have to stop for the sake of the few or the one who disagrees. American's need to grow some skin. Acceptance is good as long as it doesn't oppress.

No single objection should or any number of objections should interfere with our right to speech public or private. This means no more lawsuits based on an individuals religious beliefs. A Cross is a symbol of faith just as is the Star of David or No symbol or belief at all. Actions to prevent real freedom of speech by Americans should be answered in the courts by refusal to hear any action which would result in the oppression of that speech not the other way around.

History should be restored to it's correct form in school books, not the modified history currently taught in our schools. The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and other founding documents should also be required to be taught and examined before graduation from High School. Let's make that a law.

Since when did it become illegal to say the American's Creed in schools today? Let's return to teaching our children the American values and beliefs and end the age of one world government forever from being pushed upon them. A high school diploma should mean something just as College Degrees do.

American Sovereignty should never be surrendered by any elected official of our government, for any means or measures. Any Government official who attempts this should be removed from office immediately, not during the next election cycle. We should also make this a constitutional amendment.

I'm pleased that the Tea Party Movement is not aligned with any single party, that it is made up of old democrats who remember the democratic party of President John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy, as well as those who believe in the sound fiscal policies of the President Ronald Reagan. I don't want to endorse any single party nor neglect those in America who are independent voters. We the People, means all of us. I have attended all my local events and contacted my elected officials by phone, email, faxing, twittering, and SMS'ing. They know I'm actively watching them and how they vote and what they say and do, as it should be for all american's who believe in freedom and liberty and justice for all.

Lend me your ears America. Our nations flag is our symbol, our national mascot is the American Bald Eagle, our cry is “FREEDOM”. Hear us Roar.

This year will go down in the history of world with only one of two ending's.
Either FREEDOM and LIBERTY will win the day or those who had the most to loose will do nothing and get their new master becoming slaves.

I say to you all, ROAR at the top of your lungs this year.

Fight for your right to exist as a free nation, a nation with liberty at it's foundation, with justice for all it's citizens, everywhere. You the voter must, not vote for party but instead vote for principals and values. Choose your candidates carefully, question them boldy and without fear, ask them the hard questions and demand answer's or don't lend them your vote. I dare say enter your own name in the ballot if neither candidates answer's bid you cast your vote for them. Enforce your will upon the electorate.

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